Mama, You are Enough

I cannot think of a word powerful enough to describe the responsibility of motherhood.

We live in a time where expectations of women are at an all time high, we are inundated with advice, opinions, judgements, comparisons. It is so easy to feel like you are not enough, to feel confused, overwhelmed.


I was one of the first of my girlfriends to have a baby, and I was clueless when my daughter was born. I knew nothing – breastfeeding, how to prep your baby to sleep, the general overwhelmingness of new mommyhood. I did not understand why nobody, other moms, not even my OB, had talked to me about any of these things.

Since, several of my friends have had babies. I love being a resource and a support for them. I’ve gotten tons of questions:

  • How do you get enough iron during pregnancy?
  • How much milk should I pump during the day?
  • How did you get your baby to sleep?
  • What were your baby’s first solids?

When my son was born, I started a blog to share my experience as a new mama in hopes to openly discuss the things that made motherhood such a challenge for me. I love motherhood and empowering women, and I needed to get back to writing. I want women to know they are not alone and to make their entrance into motherhood less jarring.

It was always a thrill when a fellow new mom or a woman trying to conceive saw me in the office. It was like, “Yes, one of my tribe! I hope I can help her and her baby have the best life ever.” We connected immediately with an unspoken shared compassion and I felt I was able to offer her a unique type of practical support and advice.

I decided to meld my passions for nutrition and motherhood, experience as a doctor, added in my love for all the mamas out there and created a way to guide women through this transition with my preconception nutrition coaching program.
